Port Operation 3D Animated Video


Nico International, a shipping services company, wanted a 3D animated simulation of port procedures for one of the port authorities they had dealings with. The port itself, and all ships and equipment involved were modelled at scale in 3D. An animated video was rendered of major port operations.

  1. Port docking animation
  2. Arial view of port
  3. 3D model of a ship
  4. Tug boat animation
  1. Two views of a floating dock, including one with gantry cranes and the surrounding landscape in the background. Floating dock and related dock machinery were modelled and animated.
  2. The entire port, its major structures, and the landscape around it were modelled to scale to provide an accurate idea of sizes and distances.
  3. Two basic classes of cargo vessel were modelled to scale and with a fair amount of structural detail, to provide a convincing visual representation in the animation.
  4. Tug bots and other smaller vessels were also modelled in 3D and animated to simulate berthing and bunkering operations.
Primordial Soop